Responsible Gaming

We are proud to offer a range of iGaming products, certified against the regulatory requirements in multiple gaming jurisdictions and best industry standards, supporting functionalities and tools with respect to Player protection principles, which include:

In-play limits:

The display of in-play messages when a Bet, Loss or Time session limits have been almost and/or fully reached. The functionality is subject to implementation and configuration at the Licensed Remote Gaming Operator’s system.

Reality Check notification:

An automatic reminder, with pre-set frequency that can vary depending on the regulatory requirements, will be shown to each individual player during game play. It will suspend the play and indicate to them for how long they have been playing, how much they have won or lost during such amount of time. The player is prompted to acknowledge the message.

Clock display:

A real clock is displayed in the game, at a prominent place, at all times, thus allowing the players to keep accurate track of time.

Auto-play controls:

When an auto-play facility is available in a game, it can be configured to offer a pre-defined sets of automated game rounds. A counter is displaying the remaining ones, and the auto-play function will be disabled as soon as it reaches 0.

Speed of play:

The games can be configured in a way that a certain amount of time (most commonly 3 seconds) lapses between two consecutive game rounds. In such cases, the "Stop all" function will not be available.